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MaybeSo Productions

Though of the day #2

Why is so that some people believe it best to not get along with their fellow man. Instead of being willing to let minor imperfections go by the by they take them as extremities and go on to blow them out of proportion.
In simple moronic terms; one dude does something to slightly upset another dude and dude number two takes it too far.
What my point is if they had an IQ between them they would think that it would wise to get the hell on with shit, like shagging sheep… :/

Swine Flu

Yes swine flu, the flu of swines. Very much similar to normal flu which millions of people catch, then live, then get on with their lives; except this type of flu comes with something called, ‘the media.’ Yes people say it is almost identical but more deadly; ok so how do you work that one out then smart asre?
Right so let me get this straight, what we have here is a straign of a pig virus which has transitioned into humans and is now infecting the entire world population? Well I have a few things to say about that (as you might of imagined):
1. [possibly the one thing that nobody wants to own up to, unless you take great plesure out of beastiality] Who was the first person to have sex with a pig and also decided that whilst they were at it they might as well not use a Johnson?
2. Is this whole pandemic business just a big I am Legend rip off? I mean just how many more films are there going to be about a virus that kills all, sparing the odd imunities. Next they will be saying how there are two types of the virus; airborne and passive subjection, and that dogs are only imune to the airborne straign.
3. Oh no wait there is no 3! FAIL

Ok what I am really trying say is, if you have it, big deal, just shut your self in a room for a while and a course of antibiotics should sort you out good and proper! Above all else don’t go around blowing your own trumpet saying for example, “hey guys, you’ll never guess what the doctor diagnosed me with!”
“well yes but other than that… SWINE FLU! =D”
This will only make you look like a first class dipstick, hence shush your mush; people might start to hang around with you that way! Who knows?


Stupic comercials

Possibly one of my favourite topics to rant about is stupid fucking adverts that appear durring the middle of intense and INTERESTING programs on channels such as Dave and Sky1.
Every one knows the particular adverts I am talking about, providing you don’t have a dead squirel’s brain, they last for roughly 30 seconds tops but by the end of that brief period of time you are preparing your suicide note, ready to pop you clogs like an absolute mouthbreather.
Ok let’s not be brief here; let me set the scene… It starts like this (by the way this not some kidy fiddling, story telling agency, who has it’s name on the sex offenders register) you are watching a Top Gear repeat on Channel Dave for the 21st time and you are getting to the point where there has not been a comercial breakin 15 minutes… It is iminant… Unfortunately.
Suddenly FAIL, of the most epic variety!! You no longer see Jeremy Clarkson shoving a rench up ever orophis in James May’s body whilst Richard Hamond sit in the corner choking the chicken. Instead you find that your ear drums have shattered into tiny metaphoric fragments to the piercing sound of BARRY SCOTT. Yes here it comes, the time old rant about he must insist in giving you an earache that feels like you have just been penitrated by a horse… Beastialty style ( (conicidently never search that in google unless you have a bucket to the side of you!) sick shizem). If I wanted my eardrums bursting then I would jump in a fucking bush.
Just shut the fuck up you loud mouthed twat, if I want a spray that could clean my arse without using crap role, then I would just get your mum to give a lick!

Text language bruv!

Wuu2? Wbu? Brb, yh, ily, lmao and FUCKING LOL !!!! Yes I am obviously talking about short hand text. Above were all examples of what you might say if your were in a rush when on IM or texting with a letter count limit, but some people confuse these fucking situations with real life speach during human to human conversation.
I’m sure that if someone walked up to you in public and said W U U 2 (just letters and numbers) then you obviously say to yourself and those directly around you, “What the fuck is wrong with this retarded hobo who has just aproached me and started talking in single silabolic, clunge muscle terms?” “Bitch get out of my face and my personal space, please go and moan like this on facebook, where nobody really gives a toss about what you have to say, involving what you did in the last five minutes since licking your mums pussy!” (Believe it or not this actually what a person like me would say)
When the English dictionary was published, stating how words and phrases should be spelt and punctuated, believe it or fucking not…… THEY FUCKING MENT IT! So please don’t waste some poor fucker at COLLIN’s (dictionary publisher) time, speek the queen’s language… Who knows, it might do a thing or two for your patriotism! Fuck nuts!
One other thing that you should also refrain from doing, seems as I am in a hypocritical mood, is to stop sending people random, open ended, silly little fucking text messages.
Hey wuu2.
\\\correspondance\\\ “What the fuck?! If I wanted you to know what I was doing then I would ring you the fuck up and say ‘hey bitch! I’m on the throne, but I’m actually BEATING ONE OUT!!’ You happy now you lonely twat? Yes?… Well fuck off.”

Example 2:
Hey how are you?
\\\corespondance\\\ I’m dead, what the fuck do you think?? If I constantly wanted you to know how I am then I’m sure that I would of set up a fucking wardens cord by now, that I could pull ever five minutes to make you aware that I am feeling just as good in health as I was thirty fucking seconds ago. Are you questioning my integraty and ability to monitor my own physical and mental health? No?… Well once again… Fuck the hell off!!

These examples could go on for as long as there is a hole in my ass! So I think I will end there. These sort of kunt strummers need speech theropy, but if you ask me I just think that they are socialy disturbed mother fuckers and just need slamming in a sex offenders pen!!